I am new to the world of autism and am still learning new things every day. As we stepped into this world 5 months ago I felt so alone, although there were many people and places on the net sending me to groups I didn't feel connected to anyone. I felt like it was up to me and yet I felt like I wasn't doing enough for my son (up until a month ago when we got help at Autism Journeys). I just wanted to read about someone elses experience and know that I was doing the right things and everything was going to be ok! I can finally say I am doing all I can do for my son and my family and everything is going to be OK!
Now that I have a handle on things, I thought it might be a good idea to keep record of the JOYS in our lives, instead of always thinking about what I should or could be doing, I started focusing on what we have done and accomplished. The JOY in the world of autism is different from the world with the older three children of mine. I have JOY when my cries if I leave him. I have JOY when he looks at me. I have JOY if he bites me. I have JOY when he says Hi or Bye (these are few and far between). I have JOY that one of the only consistent things my son does is kiss me on command. The JOYS I have are simple to everyone else, but to us they are HUGE accomplishments in our everyday lives. As I record these JOYS I realize how blessed I am. What an amazing family I have and exactly how far we have all come.
I know the days are hard and overwhelming at times, but there are few days when there isn't at least one JOYFUL experience to record. What JOY have you experienced recently, I would love to hear about it?
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